08.07 2016
嗨,各位投資人!您想要透過 PTMC 使績效更好嗎?您想要自訂或開發 PTMC 的無限可能嗎?如果是的話,這就是為您量身打造的。PTMC 平台上已經內建了各種強大功能,但每位交易者會因目的不同而需要不同的設定,這份指南可以協助您將您的想法在 PTMC 上實踐,而您也無須強大的程式設計知識就可以快速建立一個簡單的擴充功能。PTMC 擴充功能所使用的 API 跟指標功能、交易系統所使用的是一樣的(Pt# Class)。它可以授予帳戶、部位、不同下單類型、報價等等存取的權限。而且 API 的能耐仍在持續擴展中。準備開始吧!1) 建立一個程式開發環境執行 MS Visual Studio. 選擇 檔案 → 新增 → 專案 在接下來的對話視窗中選擇 “.Net Framework 3.5” 下的 “類別庫 Class Library”.
在 PTMC 的開發環境當中,.NET Framework 3.5 是很重要的工具。
2) 在方案總管(Solution Explorer)中加入參考Rightclick on References → Add Reference
Browse for additional PTLRuntime.dll and Commons.dll files from the...
IntroductionTrading operations in Protrader can be separated into the following three operations:
1. Formation of a request
2. Sending of a request
3. Receiving information about a result: opening of a position or an error message
Before performing any of these operations on an account you should check to make sure that the platform is...
08.10 2013
IntroductionSince the creation of computed technical analysis we’ve seen hundreds of indicators created and thousands of modifications to these indicators. Regardless of the huge selection of indicators available, a trader may want to make his own custom indicator or make some graphical displays for better trading decisions. In the Protrader terminal we can use indicators...