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The base class for the .NET custom columns.


NetScriptCache NetScriptCache Кеш основных данных, для производительности Используется Platform


Accounts IAccountsCollection Represents access to collection of all available accounts.
Ask double Last Ask for the current instrument
Author string The author of the script
Bid double Last bid for the current instrument
Comments string The full name of the script
Company string The autor's company
Copyrights string The copyrights string
CurrentChart Chart Represents access to the current Chart.
CurrentData HistoricalData Represent access to currently download historical data.
CurrentPanelType PanelType Gets on which custom column was added.
DateOfCreation string The date when the script was created
ExpirationDate long The expiration date for trial version. 0 when expiration not specified
Fills FillsCollection Represents access to collection of all today fills.
Id Guid ID индикатора
Indicators IndicatorsCollection Represents access to collection of all indicators.
Instruments InstrumentsCollection Represents access to collection of all available instruments.
Orders OrdersCollection Represents access to collection of all available orders.
Password string The password for the script. Must be encrypted by the GetHashedPassword function
Performance Performance Represents access to statistical parameters of strategy.
Point double The current symbol point value in the quote currency;
Positions PositionsCollection Represents access to collection of all available positions.
ProjectName string The name of the script
SingleThreadEvents bool Returns true when events should be called in the main processing thread, otherwise returns false (default). Directly event processing is faster, but may affect application performance, use it on your own risk Always returns true in backtesting.
Version string The version of the script


Alert (object[] args) Return: void Shows all given params in message screen;
Comment (object[] args) Return: void Shows data in the chart window;
Complete () Return: void This function will be called before removing.
ConvertUTCTimeToSelectedTimeZone (DateTime timeUTC) Return: DateTime Convert UTC time to selected time zone;
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, int dueTime, int period) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, long dueTime, long period) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
CreateTimer (TimerCallback callback, object state, uint dueTime, uint period) Return: Timer Timer that will be stopped at the end of the script
Dispose () Return: void Cleaning any resources being used.
FormatValue (object value, Row row) Return: string Returns specified value of row with custom format.
GetHistoricalData (HistoricalDataRequest request) Return: HistoricalData Represent access to created historical data request.
GetLastError () Return: int Returns the last error code; then this value will be zeroized;
GetLastErrorDescription () Return: string Returns the last error code; then this value will be zeroized;
GetValue (Row row) Return: object Gets value from the specified column.
Init () Return: void Constructor. This method will be called before the column will be ran
IsTesting () Return: bool Gets true if script was runned by tester;
OnClick (Row row) Return: void You can implement your action here
OnPaintChart (object sender, PaintChartEventArgs args) Return: void Drawing char
PlaySound (string fileName) Return: void Plays one of the standard sounds;
Print (object[] args) Return: void Stores the string in logs;
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack) Return: Thread Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack, object state) Return: Thread Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script
QueueUserWorkItem (WaitCallback callBack, object state, ApartmentState apartmentState) Return: Thread Сontrolled flow will be interrupted when the script
SendEmail (string address, string subject, string body, string filename) Return: void Sends a message via e-mail;
SendEmail (string address, string subject, string body) Return: void Sends a message via e-mail;
SendEmail (string subject, string body) Return: void Sends a message via e-mail;
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